Derma Cloth - Rinse Free Cleansing Cloths for Horses
8 single use cloths
Dermacloth is an innovative concept in rinse-free cleaning and management of skin problems for horses, dogs and cats. It contains Vitamin E to support healing, Dexapanthenol for treatment of damaged skin and Microban for antimicrobial protection. Dermacloth is commonly used for rain scald, scratches, ringworm, girth itch, cracked hooves and scour burns. Dermacloth can also enhance coat appearance and restore sheen. It is an effective cleansing cloth for tough skin conditions and can also be used for convenient cleaning and grooming purposes. Contains 8 single use cloths.
Aids in treatment of skin diseases
Alcohol and soap free
Safely cleans wounds and skin lesions
With Microban
Instructions: To use, open package at notch and remove one premoistened cloth, reseal package with top zipper to preserve unused cloths. Wipe cloth over affected areas once or twice daily and then simply discard the used cloths.