Mycodex Plus Environmental Control Spray
Treating your pets for fleas is only the first line of defense against a flea infestation. You need to treat your home, too. Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray quickly and effectively kills all four stages of the flea life cycle using botanically derived insecticides.
- Kills all four stages of the flea life cycle—stopping reinfestation
- Kills ticks, spiders, ants, roaches, lice, silverfish, centipedes, and more
- Fast acting
- Long lasting protection – up to 210 days
If you’re battling a flea infestation, can take control with Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray. This household spray uses a botanically derived insecticide to break the flea life cycle and kill fleas in all four stages – pupae, larvae, eggs, and adults. And this powerful spray controls the infestation for up to 210 days. Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray contains Linolool, an insecticide, and Nylar, an insect growth regulator. One can of Mycodex Plus Environmental Aerosol Household Spray covers about 500 square feet and is safe for most surfaces including carpets, floors, upholstery, furniture, bedding, baseboards, and more.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not allow children or pets to contact treated surfaces until spray has dried.
INDOORS: Thoroughly vacuum all carpeting, upholstered furniture, drapes, along baseboards, under furniture and in closets. Seal vacuum bag and dispose of in outdoor trash. Spray MYCODEX® PLUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL™ AEROSOL HOUSEHOLD SPRAY from a distance of two to three feet from surface being treated. Apply with a smooth back-and-forth motion to carpets, drapes, rugs, and upholstered furniture. Avoid wetting or saturating carpets or furniture. An evenly applied fine mist spray is sufficient. Do not spray wood furniture, floors or trim as water spotting may occur. Repeat treatment as necessary to eliminate fleas and ticks. Apply directly to exposed insects: roaches, ants, spiders, crickets, centipedes, waterbugs, silverfish and sowbugs.
PET BEDDING: Treat pet bedding and resting places. Apply a uniform spray to nearby cracks and crevices, along baseboards, window and door sills and localized areas where fleas, ticks or lice may be present, as these are primary hiding places for these pests. Removal and replacement of pet bedding after treatment is not necessary.
STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry area out of the reach of children. Protect from freezing.
DISPOSAL: Do not puncture or incinerate! If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions.
Contents under pressure. Do not use or store near heat or open flame. Do not puncture or incinerate container. Exposure to temperatures above 130° F may cause bursting. Provide adequate ventilation during use. Do not use in or around electrical equipment due to possibility of shock hazard. Protect from freezing.
Please read and follow all label directions carefully.