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Preventative Care for Your Dog's Oral Health

When it comes to your dog's oral health, preventive care is of the utmost importance.

A dog's oral health is a big part of their overall health, just like in humans. So in addition to general wellness care, like from feeding them nutritious food, exercising them, and protecting them from winter weather, you should also pay attention to your dog's oral care.

February is National Pet Dental Month, which means now is the time to learn about your dog’s oral health and implement a good oral hygiene routine. Year-round care for your dog’s oral health will help maintain their overall health. This article will tell you all you need to know about preventative dental care for your canine pal.

Signs of Poor Dental Health in Your Dog

Before we look at the preventative measures to maintain proper oral health for your pet, it's important to look for signs that your dog's dental care needs attention. Common problems associated with poor dental health in dogs include:

Bad breath
Swollen gums
Bleeding around the mouth
Reduced appetite
Broken or loose teeth

If your dog has these symptoms, it would be wise to have them evaluated by a veterinarian to get any existing problems treated. However, you don't wait until you witness these problems to take care of your dog's teeth.

Failure to maintain oral hygiene can lead to plaque buildup that can cause periodontal disease (a common gum disease problem that affects about 80% of dogs above three years old).

Evaluate your dog's mouth regularly and have them checked by a qualified veterinarian at least once a year to prevent any serious dental issues from occurring, in addition to the preventative measures we are about to discuss.

Ways to Prevent Oral Problems in Your Dog

Below are tips to take care of your dog's oral health and maintain their overall health:

Brush Your Dog's Teeth Regularly Using a Canine Oral Hygiene Kit

Regular teeth cleaning is the first step to keeping your dog's teeth in good condition. Yes, like humans, you should brush your dog's teeth regularly (daily if possible) to prevent plaque buildup.

Plaque buildup creates a conducive environment for the growth of harmful bacteria, which can cause damage to your dog's teeth and overall health. This explains why daily brushing is important.

When brushing your dog's teeth, you must use toothpaste specifically for dogs. Human toothpaste can be toxic to your dog when swallowed and thus should not be used to clean dog teeth.

The best approach would be to find a proper canine hygiene kit like the C.E.T. Oral Hygiene Kit, which includes enzymatic canine toothpaste, a dual-ended toothbrush, and a fingertip brush to brush your dog's teeth.

The C.E.T. kit toothpaste is poultry flavored to make it delicious for your dog. Still, brushing your dog's teeth might not be easy at first. You will need to train them just like any other habit.

Brushing your dog's teeth is not different from brushing your own teeth—you only need to wet the brush and then apply the right amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush.

To test whether your dog will like the toothpaste, apply a small amount of canine toothpaste on your finger for your dog to sniff and lick.

If your dog doesn't like your current toothpaste, find another flavor, including beef or peanut butter, or brush them without the toothpaste.

Brushing your dog's teeth involves many steps, but the most crucial one is finding a suitable toothpaste like C.E.T. Enzymatic Toothpaste and a proper canine toothbrush. After that, gently brush your dog's teeth and gums to remove plaque and bacteria.

Unlike us, dogs don't need to rinse the toothpaste out after cleaning. Your dog can swallow the canine toothpaste, and no harm will occur.

Canine Tooth Wipes

Dog tooth wipes are an excellent solution for dogs that won't tolerate brushing or if you're looking for an alternative teeth-cleaning method.

Dental wipes are a common pet oral care product. They contain active ingredients like sodium bicarbonate, chlorhexidine gluconate, and sodium hexametaphosphate, which are excellent products for dental care. Also, dental wipes are flavored and available in either scented or unscented.

While dental wipes will not get between your dog's teeth like toothbrushes, they can help remove plaque and tartar buildup to ensure good dental health for your canine friend.

Dental wipes may also contain peppermint and other natural ingredients that prevent bacterial buildup and freshen breath.

Dental wipes that your vet may recommend include:

Maxi/Guard Oral Cleansing Wipes. Effectively removes plaque and tartar, prevents gingivitis, and promotes fresh breath. The best thing is that it is taste-free, making it likable to many pets.
Dentacetic Dental Wipes. You may want this product if you're looking for a product to whiten/brighten your dog's teeth and prevent odor. Dentacetic wipes prevent tartar buildup and kill harmful bacteria to promote good oral health for your dog.

Dog Dental Chews

Besides brushing your dog's teeth regularly and using dental wipes, you can use dental chews to keep your dog's teeth clean.

Dog dental chews don't only prevent bad breath and promote mouth freshness but also remove food stuck between your dog's teeth along with bacteria.

Apart from the manual act of chewing (which is beneficial to your dog's teeth), most dental chews contain beneficial ingredients that break down tartar and bacteria to promote good oral hygiene for your dog.

For instance, Oravet Dental Chews contain Delmopinal, an ingredient that doesn't just clean and freshen your dog's mouth but provides long-lasting protection from bacteria and plaque buildup. The product should, however, not be given to dogs younger than six months, and we suggest consulting your veterinarian before using.

Other dental chews you may want to consider include:

Your pet will need to adequately chew C.E.T. VeggieDent Chews to benefit from them. Dogs should not be left unattended with these treats to ensure that they are not swallowed whole.

If you're looking for dog dental chews with natural abrasive cleansing action, you may opt for C.E.T. HEXtra Premium Oral Hygiene Chews.

It is important to note that while dental chews are a great preventative measure, once tartar or bad breath becomes a real threat, they will not be of much help to your dog.

That said, dental chews are a great option when looking for a product to prevent plaque and plaque buildup in the future.

Talk to your veterinarian to recommend the best dental chews for your dog.

Use Water Additive

Water additives or oral mouthwashes are also great canine dental care products you can use. Dental water additives are easy to use—you only need to add them to your dog's drinking water.

Vetradent Products are among the water additives you may want to consider. Options include Vetradent Powder Water Additive, Vetradent Water Additive, and Vetradent Dental Spray for Dogs and Cats.

These products protect against bacteria by changing the environment in the dog's oral cavity to prevent tartar buildup.

Apart from water additives, you may want to use oral rinse products or oral gel to protect your dog from dental issues. For example, oral rinse solutions like Dentahex Oral Care can help reduce tartar and prevent periodontal disease in your dog.

Oral cleaning gel like Maxi/Guard oral gel can help fight bad breath in dogs, prevent gum disease, and may help treat advanced periodontal issues.

Talk to your vet about the best water additive or oral rinse for your pet and the best way to use it.

Apply Dental Powder to Your Dog's Food

Lastly, you can use dental powder to protect your dog from oral health issues. These products contain ingredients that can help kill plaque-promoting bacteria while promoting healthy bacteria.

For example, CLENZ-A-DENTProDen PlaqueOff (which is approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council) can help clean your dog's teeth, promote fresh breath, and reduce tartar. Consultyour vetinarian before using this and other dental powder products to ensure your dog's safety.

Promote Your Dog's Oral Health

The above tips will help protect your dog's teeth and ensure good oral health. Don't wait until your dog shows signs of oral issues to take care of them. Instead, focus on preventing the problems from occurring in the first place.

Depending on your pet’s oral condition, professional cleaning may be necessary. Always consult your veterinarian before using any dental products for dogs to ensure that they're safe.

Once your veterinarian recommends the best dental products, visit to have them delivered to your doorstep with friendly and personalized customer service.

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